EOSERV Forum > Seose > HOW do I change THE exp RATE i GET by A monster?
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HOW do I change THE exp RATE i GET by A monster?
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Post #7464 HOW do I change THE exp RATE i GET by A monster?

Also i used pubedit v1,2 or something and i changed the sheeps exp rate to 500 instead of 22 but when i click save and i am closing the pubedit starting up the seose server it wont give me 500 but still 22 and then when i open pubedit v1,2 again looks at the sheeps exp rate its still at 22? so means it changes back why?

15 years, 43 weeks ago
Post #7478 Re: HOW do I change THE exp RATE i GET by A monster?

There is already a topic for this. Don't you people ever look around?

Here is the link to pub edit 1.3 http://eobots-online.com/rena/downloads/

15 years, 43 weeks ago
Post #7725 Re: HOW do I change THE exp RATE i GET by A monster?

If you use PubEdit then I will not support any problems you have. PubEdit is one of the single most biggest error causes for Seose and EOSERV. It simply doesn't work correctly. Don't use it.

I do have plans to make some kind of pub file compiler, but don't expect it any time soon.

15 years, 42 weeks ago
Post #7728 Re: HOW do I change THE exp RATE i GET by A monster?

So very true, but i dont mind right now. In next version sordie plans to give us a npc file so we can change the drops, exp, ect with out pub editor. pub editor only helps me because I can equip bow and arrows mostly only reason I use it, also helps to edit items and make your own items, for example Admin Potion. Also depends on if you like to use it or not.

15 years, 42 weeks ago
Post #7729 Re: HOW do I change THE exp RATE i GET by A monster?

I don't "plan" on it. It -WILL- have the NPC file =P. It's already coded and my server already uses it. I plan on releasing 0.2r2 this weekend anyway so you don't have long to wait. =D

15 years, 42 weeks ago
Post #7730 Re: HOW do I change THE exp RATE i GET by A monster?

Oh sorry =P, and thats good news. Keep it up Sordie

15 years, 42 weeks ago
Post #7735 Re: HOW do I change THE exp RATE i GET by A monster?

Better keep it up Sordie*


SEOSE, In my opinion is doing a lot better than EoServ Atm.

You're very good at this stuff Sordie.

Me and a lot of people i know await your next version of SEOSE.

Dont kill yourself working though, then we'll have to wait for Sausage to catch up :(

15 years, 42 weeks ago
Post #7835 Re: HOW do I change THE exp RATE i GET by A monster?

Slightly offtopic, but..

I am already working on a way for a command to "create" a new npc, or it's data all on the server, no need to reset server for the npc to be "made" or "updated"

basicly, the server reads the data from the pub file, but i plan on making it do that+have a command like $newnpc dat dat dat dat dat... whereas "dat" would be a piece of data corresponding to the npc's graphic, name, whatever.. basicly, it will replicate the pub file's data in a string of code.

15 years, 42 weeks ago
Post #7840 Re: HOW do I change THE exp RATE i GET by A monster?
Ardvarks posted: (6th Jun 2009 11:55 pm)

Slightly offtopic, but..

I am already working on a way for a command to "create" a new npc, or it's data all on the server, no need to reset server for the npc to be "made" or "updated"

basicly, the server reads the data from the pub file, but i plan on making it do that+have a command like $newnpc dat dat dat dat dat... whereas "dat" would be a piece of data corresponding to the npc's graphic, name, whatever.. basicly, it will replicate the pub file's data in a stringofcode.

I think at some point you have mistaken Seose and EOSERV..
1. You can't add commands to Seose because I closed the source to everyone but Sausage and Scott.
2. Even if you had the source, the 0.2 core requires my own library (spl) that is owned by the ESA (European space agency - I sold my soul to them =P) to compile. (I'll remove that dependency in future versions)
3. Seose already has a +spawn command that does what you're saying.

15 years, 42 weeks ago
Post #9049 Re: HOW do I change THE exp RATE i GET by A monster?
Sordie posted: (6th Jun 2009 12:47 am)

If you use PubEdit then I will not support any problems you have. PubEdit is one of the single most biggest error causes for Seose and EOSERV. It simply doesn't work correctly. Don't use it.

I do have plans to make some kind of pub file compiler, but don't expect it any time soon.

Cant log into the site ... i want the pubedit v1.3 can u giv me direct download link
15 years, 40 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Seose > HOW do I change THE exp RATE i GET by A monster?