EOSERV Forum > Seose > How can I make monsters give Wayyyyyyyy more EXP?
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How can I make monsters give Wayyyyyyyy more EXP?
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Post #7247 How can I make monsters give Wayyyyyyyy more EXP?

I've tried to make monsters give up to 100k exp, but it always seems to make it lower to a minimum of 483 exp [Tried to make drag give 483k exp, changed to 483] Pubedit doesn't work, I tried it.. that's what caused this. ;-;

15 years, 38 weeks ago
Post #7287 Re: How can I make monsters give Wayyyyyyyy more EXP?


if u need give Wayyyyyy more exp....

try this site..... this can help u make more exp..

http://eobots-online.com/rena this site is a pub editor..

i still dont know if it works in seose

15 years, 38 weeks ago
Post #7296 Re: How can I make monsters give Wayyyyyyyy more EXP?

It works in Seose, just it fucks up the EXP. I tried to give dragon 483k, it became 483 exp.

15 years, 38 weeks ago
Post #7361 Re: How can I make monsters give Wayyyyyyyy more EXP?

Read this then read this then ask yourself why you want your NPCs to give people loads of exp.

15 years, 38 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Seose > How can I make monsters give Wayyyyyyyy more EXP?