
Joined: 11th Jul 2011
Posts: 4
Re: Items error
Why is it that every time I try to rename an item in the dat001.eif file it turns into some random numbers and some unknown letters.
Its in the data file and the one where your suppose to get the pubs from the endless online pub folder.
13 years, 36 weeks ago
Re: Items error
u can always try renas edit pub and use the duplicate function to duplicate the item then rename it and edit its stats if u want then click update when ur finished editing save it
also edit the pubs when the server is ofline and closed
13 years, 31 weeks ago
Re: Items error
Its because everything is encrpyted in the file. Once you edited in a program that ISNT suppost to edit that file, it breaks the encrpyption. Just like trying to edit a .exe in notepad instead of using a hexEditor. ---
Andrewbob - I would be on the fucking copter of rofls
Programmer, Web Developer, and Graphics Designer
13 years, 31 weeks ago

Joined: 7th Aug 2011
Posts: 220
Re: Items error
The kid probably figured this out along time ago -.-
13 years, 31 weeks ago
Re: Items error
Ah, didnt see the date on that post. >.< ---
Andrewbob - I would be on the fucking copter of rofls
Programmer, Web Developer, and Graphics Designer
13 years, 31 weeks ago
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