are they inv just in the paperdoll? or on the player too?
if this is a new account and the item is a start up item thats already on the player, maybe you got it set in the wronge paperdoll slot.
if this is only happening after editing your pub files then your corrupting them or putting in corrupted pubs from the start.
what editor are you useng?
next time put your fresh set of pubs in, shutdown your server and client and edit the pub file, update and save. reopen the pub file go to your edited item update and save again!
i help someone the other night who had the same prob with npc's, took me over a hour to get it right, the solution was saveng it more than once. to correct the problem, we would add the new npc, use a valid gfx and the npc would be inv! after doing this about 10 times, and replaceng with
freshpubs everytime, i edited, updated saved, and reopened it updated saved 2 more times and it seemed to correct something,
the pubs was prob corrupted from the start. and i have seen pub files that was edited with differant pub editors glitch out after being edited with a differant editor. try resaveng it a few times see if that fixes it for you!
Think Outside The Box.
..............Skids in my Undies........
...............Cut And Paste............