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Post #6732 Bugs

Ok just to let you know these are the bugs i found. 1st is i cannot get race commamnd to work tried mutiple lines such as +race4 devastater, +race 4 devastater, +racedevastater 4, +race devastater 4.

Nothing worked. Also 2nd thing is i tried to make a 2nd online charecter have a title while it was set to admin status it didn't work. It worked on me but not for the other charecter. I had to set the other charecters admin status back to 0 and dhen i was able to get the charecter a title. It wouldn't work while the 2nd charecter was in admin status. Just to let you know these are what i have found so far.

15 years, 39 weeks ago
Post #6737 Re: Bugs

First of all the command is    +race (name) 1-6   Ex:+race lifewater 5  :D! now were all happy

15 years, 39 weeks ago
Post #6739 Re: Bugs

You may already know, but if not. For the Seose (pre-release) you can login with any password or word for that matter. As long as you know the correct username.

15 years, 39 weeks ago
Post #6741 Re: Bugs

i tried +race devastater 5 it didn't work for me. im not stupid i do know how to use it. Thats why i tried diffrent ways and i couldn't get any thing to change race of charecters in game.

15 years, 39 weeks ago
Post #6781 Re: Bugs

The pre-release does have some problems with case sensitivity. I've fixed it now and it will work in the next version. For now use strict case for the names when using commands, also keep in mind that (using the default settings) you have to be admin level 2+ to use the race commands.

As for the "any password" thing, this simply isn't true =P I have no idea where you got this idea from. You have to use the correct password r it will not let you login.

15 years, 39 weeks ago
Post #6788 Re: Bugs

Why dont you use an Bot instead of it. Why is the dressbot there?

!dressbot race 1-6

(This bot works for every player if u didnt set it for admins)

EDIT: I know what you mean now. you cant use +race (ur name) 1-6 just use +race 1-6 to use it on you. The +race (name) 1-6 command just works if you want to set another players race

15 years, 39 weeks ago
Post #6793 Re: Bugs

Dressbot is just a temp thing so people can change their class, race, title, etc.. without admins until I have better support for stuff like that. Things like that will be used much differently in future versions of Seose. For example. I plan on having an option to have a "death race" (ie skeleton) That you change to , rather than teleporting home when you die. Once you are the "death race" you will have to find a priest to "resurect" you before you can attack, trade, drop etc... Just an idea. =P

15 years, 39 weeks ago
Post #6796 Re: Bugs

+hide causes your char to go invis untill you log out shutdown endless client and log back in useing +hide again will not make the char visible again only compleatly logging out and closeing the program seems to fix it.

15 years, 39 weeks ago
Post #6797 Re: Bugs

Sorry Sordie but he is right about the password thing i just tried it and as long as the username is correct any password will do.

15 years, 39 weeks ago
Post #6799 Re: Bugs

also just tryed the password thing password dosent matter typed my account name then just bashed the keybord for password still let me log in

15 years, 39 weeks ago
Post #6801 Re: Bugs

hehe lol -embarrised- lol yeah. I just checked. I have the password check "commented out". I forgot I did that to speed up debugging. Err... -makes up some pre-release excuse- =P

Good job I have that big notice when you login saying not to use it for game servers =D Did anyone ever actually read that?

15 years, 39 weeks ago
Post #6826 Re: Bugs

I knew that it wasn't supposed to be used for live servers, I was just posting to make you aware. I wasn't sure if you knew or not, sorry for posting about this.

15 years, 39 weeks ago
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