Joined: 3rd Apr 2009
Posts: 2044
Seose Admin Commands (0.2+)
All admin commands are now prefixed with a "+" character, rather than the old "$" character.
<param> = Expected parameter [param] = Optional parameter
Commands are grouped into their minimum admin level required. This can be changed by editing your Seose.xini file.
Light Guides
Toggles the invisible state of the player.
+info <name>
Displays information about an online character.
+find <name>
A more detailed version of the default #find command
+title <name> <title string>
Awards a player a title. Announced by the server.
+cure <name>
Removes all cursed items from a players paperdoll.
+mute <name> [reason]
Mutes a player for 1min 30sec. Anounced by the server.
+goto <name>
+goto <X> <Y>
+goto <X> <Y> <map>
Teleports the admin to the specified player, position or position/map.
+warp <name>
+warp <name> <X> <Y> <map>
Teleports another player to the admin or position/map.
+jail <name> [reason]
Jails a player. Announced by the server.
+kick <name> [reason]
Kicks a player from the server. Announced by the server.
+stitle <name> <title string>
Silenty changes a players title.
+race <name> <ID>
Changes a players race. Announced by the server.
+srace <name> <ID>
Silently changes a players race.
Game Masters
+smute <name>
Silently mutes a player for 1min 30sec.
+sjail <name>
Silently jails a player.
+skick <name>
Silently kicks a player from the server.
+item <name> [amount]
+item <ID> [amount]
Creates an item in the admins inventory.
+gitem <name> [amount]
+gitem <ID> [amount]
Creates an item on the floor, under the admin.
+spawn <ID>
Spawns an NPC at the admins current location.
High Game Masters
+admin <name> <level>
Set the admin level of a player. Announced by the server.
+sadmin <name> <level>
Silently sets the admin level of a player.
+console <console command>
Executes a console command on the server. (See here)
15 years, 39 weeks ago
Joined: 22nd Mar 2009
Posts: 195
Re: Seose Admin Commands (0.2+)
What about the command killnpc?
15 years, 39 weeks ago
Joined: 3rd Apr 2009
Posts: 2044
Re: Seose Admin Commands (0.2+)
Razor posted: (24th May 2009 08:17 am)
What about the command killnpc?
" killnpc" isn't really a command. It's just the minimum admin level required to kill none-combat NPCs
15 years, 39 weeks ago
Joined: 22nd Mar 2009
Posts: 195
Re: Seose Admin Commands (0.2+)
15 years, 39 weeks ago
Joined: 8th Jun 2009
Posts: 196
Re: Seose Admin Commands (0.2+)
I know how to use most of the Seose Commands, Except for one, What about Botparams, is that an Actual in-game command or can the params be edited through the DB only. If it can be used ingame, how would i go about using it, would it be like +botparams or something like that, Thanks
15 years, 33 weeks ago
Joined: 17th Apr 2009
Posts: 10
Re: Seose Admin Commands (0.2+)
For some reason, when i try to use some of the commands, they dont work, i used and put in the right format, like "+jail <name>" but its stubborn and wont work here are others that dont work for me: +ban,+sjail,+mute,+title,+race,+srace,+smute,+admin,+sadmin. please help! :D
15 years, 33 weeks ago
Re: Seose Admin Commands (0.2+)
What Admin Lvl Are U lvl 4 use all command 3 most 2 litle 1 barly at all
15 years, 33 weeks ago
Joined: 17th Apr 2009
Posts: 10
Re: Seose Admin Commands (0.2+)
yes, i know its a nooby question, but they just dont work! currently im admin level 4, but ive tried it with 1,2,3,4,6,7.
EDIT: Maybe im putting it in wrong?
15 years, 33 weeks ago
Joined: 8th Jul 2009
Posts: 1424
Re: Seose Admin Commands (0.2+)
yes you might be
the commands would be..
+skill (name) (spellname)
+goto (name)
+warp (name)
+goto (map #) (x y)
15 years, 14 weeks ago
Joined: 9th Mar 2009
Posts: 120
Re: Seose Admin Commands (0.2+)
srry for necro I cant get the +goto <X> <Y> <map> to work for me I am a lvl 4 admin but still can't move throughout the map by warping.
14 years, 27 weeks ago
Re: Seose Admin Commands (0.2+)
For commands that use a location, the format (for the latest version of Seose) can be:
<map> <x> <y>
<playername> [Custom x] [Custom y (Pointless)]
For example, if I wanted to warp fred to map #5 x: 8 y:15
+warp fred 5 8 15
If i wanted to warp fred to jack:
+warp fred jack
If i wanted to goto fred:
+goto fred
If i wanted to goto Map #5 x:10 y:15
+goto 5 10 15
14 years, 26 weeks ago
Joined: 12th Jun 2010
Posts: 27
Re: Seose Admin Commands (0.2+)
What about +fourfivesix, +emoworld # and +toasted?
14 years, 26 weeks ago
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