EOSERV Forum > Seose > Glitch when editing item stats/names on sordies new version.
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Glitch when editing item stats/names on sordies new version.
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Post #6492 Glitch when editing item stats/names on sordies new version.

Whenever I try to edit items and save, then go into the game and equipt the item, then walk around or even go to another map, my character goes invisible, nothing is in my inventory, etc... whats up with that? 

15 years, 39 weeks ago
Post #6493 Re: Glitch when editing item stats/names on sordies new version.

Make sure the item has a valid graphic ID, or edit the file by hand instead of using PubeEdit (if you're not already)

15 years, 39 weeks ago
Post #6496 Re: Glitch when editing item stats/names on sordies new vers

Hmm... is it because I tried to delete Eternal Turtle? 

Because the only thing I edited/changed name of was Ancient Star ;/

- Edit -

Also, I had "Thebestplaye" on earlier, why cant anyone connect now?

15 years, 39 weeks ago
Post #6501 Re: Glitch when editing item stats/names on sordies new version.

I'm more interested in knowing what "New version" of Seose you're using =P I didn't announce anything about any new version.. ;]

15 years, 39 weeks ago
Post #6503 Re: Glitch when editing item stats/names on sordies new vers

I checked the binary thinger, the newest download.

15 years, 39 weeks ago
Post #6773 Re: Glitch when editing item stats/names on sordies new vers

Dude get the hint sordie has not released a new version of the emulator. The one she put in the "binary" is not supported and is just a test.

15 years, 39 weeks ago
Post #6784 Re: Glitch when editing item stats/names on sordies new version.
Sausage posted: (23rd May 2009 02:58 pm)

edit the file by hand instead of using PubeEdit (if you're not already)

This is good advice, the problem doesn't sound like it's to do with Seose, I wouldn't trust PubEdit 100% yet. It's still early days and alot of information about item files is still unknown/incorrect.

15 years, 39 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Seose > Glitch when editing item stats/names on sordies new version.