EOSERV Forum > Seose > Admin commands Help Please
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Admin commands Help Please
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Post #6491 Admin commands Help Please

how do u use the admin commands on sordie like on here it is $sitem but on sordie all it says is item what do i put infront of it?

15 years, 44 weeks ago
Post #6610 Re: Admin commands Help Please

I moved your thread. The command would be +item item# amount

So for 100g you would do +item 1 100

15 years, 44 weeks ago
Post #6638 Re: Admin commands Help Please
Scott posted: (24th May 2009 06:11 am)

I moved your thread. The command would be +item item# amount

So for 100g you would do +item 1 100

It also accepts partial substring searches for the item. So for example:
+item gold 1000 - Would give you 1000 gold.
+item castle - Would give you a stroll of castle.

15 years, 44 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Seose > Admin commands Help Please