EOSERV Forum > Seose > Seose issue again.
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Seose issue again.
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Post #6124 Seose issue again.

Since I have had Seose v.0.1.9 [Latest one] people have been able to connect to my server, starting today.. noone has been able to, they were all on early this morning, [10:00 am - 2:30 pm] my mom unplugged internet afterwards, anybody have any idea why others cant connect to my Seose server?... I added more classes, then changed them right back.../Deleted

15 years, 42 weeks ago
Post #6133 Re: Seose issue again.

before your mom unplugged the internet were you using a Ethernet cord or wireless internet?
If you were using a Ethernet cord an switched to wireless or reversal maybe you need to change your port forward I.P address.

15 years, 42 weeks ago
Post #6136 Re: Seose issue again.

Ip is all port forwarded and everything, checked... people still cant connect :x

15 years, 42 weeks ago
Post #6154 Re: Seose issue again.

When you disconnect/reconnect to the internet there is no guaranty that your IP address will be the same (unless you have paid for a static IP from your ISP, most don't allow the public to have them). Go to http://ip.sordie.co.uk or https://tehsausage.com/ip and verify that your IP is correct. Also, if you are using a dynamic DNS service like no-ip, make sure you are running their update software.

15 years, 42 weeks ago
Post #6180 Re: Seose issue again.

Mkai, thanks Sordie, and when is the new seose out?

kwell, IP is still the same, I was using as the host IP, and thats what it is still...

15 years, 42 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Seose > Seose issue again.