EOSERV Forum > Lounge > Idea on a Pokemon Patch
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Idea on a Pokemon Patch
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Post #62001 Idea on a Pokemon Patch

i thought that a Pokemon patch would be rather funny and become rather popular and i was thinking becauseof all the good pixelers it would be easy ifyou are interested then email meat 


if would be great if you can help :D

i tried and failed but its, (ok) but i took charmander from BU after taking advise and looked what it would look like if it was instead of the actual player and this is what it looked like(the pokeball is when it is resting.

13 years, 33 weeks ago
Post #62008 Re: Idea on a Pokemon Patch

Inb4 someone claims that they are a pokemon pixeler, when in reality they just googled "pokemon sprite sheets".

Basically, someone without any skills whatsoever in pixeling can just go on the internet google "pokemon sprite sheet" and make a patch in about 30minutes.

13 years, 33 weeks ago
Post #62010 Re: Idea on a Pokemon Patch

but im thinking of a pokemon patch were it is all made from people no sprites because the sprites way would be just cheap and if the pokemon was made by other people like the pokemon in bones and FE ( if they are not) then thats just poor im looking for some people who actually make the pokemonfrom pictures and draw themselves. =/

i saw a poke ball that someone made in their tutorial and i thought that that looked like something that could be used

13 years, 33 weeks ago
Post #62018 Re: Idea on a Pokemon Patch

looks at comment and youll find


~~ When life give you pasta, you eat it ~~
13 years, 33 weeks ago
Post #62027 Re: Idea on a Pokemon Patch

yes, now i remember that is the one that i saw that is verry good pixeler in my opinion if i could get people with that kinda skill the patch will be allot better

13 years, 33 weeks ago
Post #62066 Re: Idea on a Pokemon Patch

If someone could rip the GFX or something, I'd like to help mapping...that'd be awesome xD

13 years, 33 weeks ago
Post #62166 Re: Idea on a Pokemon Patch

and i would gladly accept your help 

13 years, 33 weeks ago
Post #62204 Re: Idea on a Pokemon Patch
AntiAxel posted: (12th Feb 2011 01:02 pm)

Inb4 someone claims that they are a pokemon pixeler, when in reality they just googled "pokemon sprite sheets".

Basically, someone without any skills whatsoever in pixeling can just go on the internet google "pokemon sprite sheet" and make a patch in about 30minutes.

inb4 someone telling you that you can't find any EO pixel sheets with Pokemon on it, because EO is a smaller than most other MMORPGs.

Oh wait, I just did.

The only way to get them is to actually pixel them, OR you can just get the Mew, Charmander, and Bulbasaur from BU and have some starters. That's what I would do, it'll get Bone pissed and we can all laugh about it later.

13 years, 33 weeks ago
Post #62361 Re: Idea on a Pokemon Patch

ive updated the first post on what happened when i used the BU things for my ideas they turn out badly well it was OK but needs a lot of work done on them. i just thought that the charmander could be a little bigger the walking also looks funny :p

13 years, 32 weeks ago
Post #62366 Re: Idea on a Pokemon Patch

Pokemon-eo Already existed.. i can upload the full client if you want, Has all 151 (first pokemon) added, with all EGG's added also, also has some pokemon skills, houses (look-a-like pokemon style).

Pokeballs was HP pots, Alll sprites were taken from a hand held console game.

People to be honest didn't really appreciate the 4 months i put into it.

As i said can send you the full client with all sprites if needed.

13 years, 32 weeks ago
Post #62368 Re: Idea on a Pokemon Patch

wow seriously i would love to see it if you still have it. cant wait to see it =3

13 years, 32 weeks ago
Post #62369 Re: Idea on a Pokemon Patch

yeh avalanch can u send it to me or upload it somewhere email in my profile thanks  -neentodd

Hello :D
13 years, 32 weeks ago
Post #62373 Re: Idea on a Pokemon Patch
Avalanche posted: (14th Feb 2011 06:26 pm)

Pokemon-eo Already existed.. i can upload the full client if you want, Has all 151 (first pokemon) added, with all EGG's added also, also has some pokemon skills, houses (look-a-like pokemon style).

Pokeballs was HP pots, Alll sprites were taken from a hand held console game.

People to be honest didn't really appreciate the 4 months i put into it.

As i said can send you the full client with all sprites if needed.

that would be awesoem if you could do that and maybe i could host a new pokemon eo?
stay tuned.
13 years, 32 weeks ago
Post #62374 Re: Idea on a Pokemon Patch

could do seen as i cant but seen as i was going to only make a patch, yet there already is one i will just advertise it. =3

13 years, 32 weeks ago
Post #62375 Re: Idea on a Pokemon Patch

Unfortunetly i'm at home atm. My hard drive is at work, where's i'm working on a secret project based on EO.

will be back at work on wednesday, so i will upload the client then :)

13 years, 32 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Lounge > Idea on a Pokemon Patch