Vult-r, if you are reading this, please, hear me out.
I joined endless in version 19. I loved the game and I easily made it to level 20 in the first month. I met many people on it that I am still friends with today, and I just plain loved Endless. The items were nice, the client was great, artwork was awesome. The community was... okay. Then came the
spammer era. Very annoying b****es who spammed random crap to piss people off. I didn't really care, just ignored them and moved on. Then came the name hack and pm spam! But, anyway, then, the speeders came along, which not only began to lag the server, but the PvP suffered from this, and people
were rapidly leveling through speed. It was very annoying, and I believe around the same time, the thousand players went down to 200. Then, YFL began to exploit a dupe glitch, spawning gold and.. someone got ahold of it and decided to spawn like 5000 billion kitty hats. The economy was taking a
beating, and that soon knocked the prices to hell, and money became virtually worthless.
This post is not just a story of what happened.
Look what has happened, Vult-r. Look at what your great project/game has become. And now you and your admins, your elite force, has stepped down and abandoned hope. I just want you to realize: there are thousands of people that played this game and loved it. Then, you just stepped down and let the
hackers and spammers and scammers take it over. And now look what's happening. Some fags are making it impossible to login. There are people sitting there staring, hoping and waiting for the day you'll step back up and reassemble the game once called endless online.
Now, before you leave endless to rot, please. Just think about it.
I and many of my friends are begging you to just give it another shot. Reset the server. Show the hackers and all alike that they can't just come and screw around.
Your players are suffering, helplessly watching endless online crumble. I hope that if you saw this, vult-r, that you consider that. And I hope you do something about it.
~Loyal Endless Player, Arkanelore
Us people, we are strange, are we not? We deny all hatred, accept all love. But what lurks behind
each and every one of our temporary minds? The exact thing that we believe we hate.
14 years, 6 weeks ago

Joined: 26th Mar 2009
Posts: 1391
Re: To:Vultr-BringEOBack
It's not going to happen. I highly doubt Vult-r visits these forums, much less reads what is posted in them. It is too late to try to get his attention now. We should've shown him our support back when all of this started. Maybe then none of this would have happened.
May he now rest under aegis of mirage -
As the sands slowly turn to Elysian fields
14 years, 6 weeks ago
Re: To:Vultr-BringEOBack
I like to keep hope. The chances may be slim, maybe even almost nothing, but I will not give up hope. If you give up hope, all is lost. There is still a chance that EO could be saved, and so, I keep my hope that there will be a miracle.
*If ANYONE is just going to tell me stuff like "Too late. Give up there's no way EO will be saved", just.. don't post.*
Us people, we are strange, are we not? We deny all hatred, accept all love. But what lurks behind
each and every one of our temporary minds? The exact thing that we believe we hate.
14 years, 6 weeks ago

Joined: 26th Mar 2009
Posts: 1391
Re: To:Vultr-BringEOBack
I've tried contacting him directly, and his silence has proven to me that he no longer cares. I once hoped he would fix EO, but I have let go of that hope. If it does happen, then I would most definitely go back to EO. Until then, I will not get my hopes up.
May he now rest under aegis of mirage -
As the sands slowly turn to Elysian fields
14 years, 6 weeks ago

Joined: 10th Nov 2010
Posts: 1041
Re: To:Vultr-BringEOBack
Eh, maybe one day once he figures every one has forgotten he will bring it back. lol.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I'm Nutso. Keep your fingers out of my butthole.
14 years, 6 weeks ago
Re: To:Vultr-BringEOBack
Nah he wont brng it back up the most hell do is sell it to some one for like a load of money or sommat
14 years, 6 weeks ago

Joined: 8th Oct 2010
Posts: 78
Re: To:Vultr-BringEOBack
Vult-r would not sell his project ever. From information I have read before it is his hobby. So it might be awhile. ---
14 years, 6 weeks ago
Re: To:Vultr-BringEOBack
i heard that the people that made .hack were interested in in trying to buy eo but i think that was just a rumor.
14 years, 6 weeks ago
Joined: 14th Apr 2009
Posts: 2759
Re: To:Vultr-BringEOBack
This is like a letter to Santa Claus. Vult-r doesn't even visit his own forums, what makes you think he visits here?
14 years, 6 weeks ago
Joined: 22nd Apr 2009
Posts: 2190
Re: To:Vultr-BringEOBack
Apollo posted: (23rd Nov 2010 07:49 pm)
This is like a letter to Santa Claus. Vult-r doesn't even visit his own forums, what makes you think he visits here?
Miracles exist? Though if you don't post something like this then you will never know. So we either can take a lesson out of here that IF vult-r does something then he probably would have read this, else we surely know he never visits this forum =P
"Pineapples and shit."
14 years, 6 weeks ago

Joined: 18th Nov 2009
Posts: 497
Re: To:Vultr-BringEOBack
Well he gave up on EO so I don't think he'll look at some random forums related to EO.
14 years, 6 weeks ago
Re: To:Vultr-BringEOBack
Truthfully, I didn't make this to vult-r himself. I was also hoping that some would read this and be enspired to join the cause, to get vult-r to fix eo. If he got on one day and saw 2000 emails about how people were sorry that they screwed around with him like that and that they needed him,
maybe he'd change his mind. The reason he quit is because people wouldn't stop fucking with his game. He thought he was being fair which he was. He wasn't making anyone suffer, even when they duped 100 billion gold and dropped it everywhere, he was a fair owner. He didn't deserve the shit all those
hackers did, and he got tired of dealing with it. So, anyone who believes theres still a chance, just email him or post somewhere he actually goes.
"Hey, vult-r. I am a loyal player of endless online, and it sucks to see it go. I am really sorry for what the hackers and spammers did to you and your server and I just wish you'd give it another shot. I will stand by you to the end. Please consider bringing EO back.
,Loyal Endless Online Player, _________"
Us people, we are strange, are we not? We deny all hatred, accept all love. But what lurks behind
each and every one of our temporary minds? The exact thing that we believe we hate.
14 years, 6 weeks ago
Joined: 14th Apr 2009
Posts: 2759
Re: To:Vultr-BringEOBack
I have talked to Vult-r quite a bit over the years. A good way to lose his attention is to include the word "Endless" immediately followed by the word "Online". I haven't seen Vult-r on Windows Live Messenger in a few weeks, but I promise you that I will make an effort to link this topic to him
should he appear. Don't expect anything to change.
14 years, 6 weeks ago
Joined: 19th Nov 2009
Posts: 36
Re: To:Vultr-BringEOBack
I hate to see EO die now. I am really sad that is going to die. When i was a kid playing EO, They were the best years of my life. I would literally stay all day at home on EO fooling around with friends and playing in arena. Please Vult-r why let Endless-Online die now? Why not hire some
pixelers and developers on here? There are alot of artists here better than arvid. Also alot of coders here too. I really wish i could have a talk with you.
14 years, 6 weeks ago
Joined: 6th Aug 2009
Posts: 936
Re: To:Vultr-BringEOBack
The point is many people think that vult-r can fix EO in 1hour or something but that won't work even if he fixed the bugs he still has to put some more time in. and pixeling for eo vult-r must trust that person to let him pixel for eo. also even if the pixel art is done he has to release a new
client. which would take much time, and i guess vult-r just don't has the time for it.
opensource isometric game engine ~
14 years, 6 weeks ago
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