EOSERV Forum > Seose > Sqliteman help. Sordie maybe help? :P
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Sqliteman help. Sordie maybe help? :P
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Post #5519 Sqliteman help. Sordie maybe help? :P

I need help, where do I download Sqliteman? :<..

15 years, 43 weeks ago
Post #5523 Re: Sqliteman help. Sordie maybe help? :P

This is a rare program.. One only a select few have had... let alone found.. However I have spent 13 years to find this program called ''SQLITEMAN" by most.. It's a fine piece of file indeed.. I'll share my source with you.. use it well young grasshopper..


15 years, 43 weeks ago
Post #5529 Re: Sqliteman help. Sordie maybe help? :P
vysen posted: (9th May 2009 12:39 am)

This is a rare program.. One only a select few have had... let alone found.. However I have spent 13 years to find this program called ''SQLITEMAN" by most.. It's a fine piece of file indeed.. I'll share my source with you.. use it well young grasshopper..


Thank you sensei, now, how do I make myself an admin!
15 years, 43 weeks ago
Post #5531 Re: Sqliteman help. Sordie maybe help? :P

Simple.. Wax on.. Wax off..

No seriouslly.. Go to uhm.. Admin? And change it to.. 1-4.

1 = light guide
2 = guardian
3= Game Master
4 = HGM
I do believe... I'm not completely right in the head so it may be off-ish on names

15 years, 43 weeks ago
Post #5535 Re: Sqliteman help. Sordie maybe help? :P
vysen posted: (9th May 2009 01:22 am)

Simple.. Wax on.. Wax off..

No seriouslly.. Go to uhm.. Admin? And change it to.. 1-4.

1 = light guide
2 = guardian
3= Game Master
4 = HGM
I do believe... I'm not completely right in the head so it may be off-ish on names

That's setting wtf it is XD.. How do I make people/me admin with SQLITEMAN... That's just admin.ini config or w/e.
15 years, 43 weeks ago
Post #5536 Re: Sqliteman help. Sordie maybe help? :P

Did you use install.wtfevertisfile and set the database up right? o.o

15 years, 43 weeks ago
Post #5537 Re: Sqliteman help. Sordie maybe help? :P
vysen posted: (9th May 2009 02:00 am)

Did you use install.wtfevertisfile and set the database up right? o.o

o_o? What are you talking about? people are connecting to my EO right now... I dont understand what you're talking about. =.= Sqliteman is completely setup...
15 years, 43 weeks ago
Post #5539 Re: Sqliteman help. Sordie maybe help? :P

Uhm... Got like.. TeamViewer? I'll show you what im speaking of...

15 years, 43 weeks ago
Post #5540 Re: Sqliteman help. Sordie maybe help? :P

Uh, I do, but mom wants on the PC in a minute. :l.. So tomorrow? or later tonight? what time is it? XD

15 years, 43 weeks ago
Post #5541 Re: Sqliteman help. Sordie maybe help? :P

I'll be up all night, due to talking to my girlfriend.  So whenever your free..?

15 years, 43 weeks ago
Post #5565 Re: Sqliteman help. Sordie maybe help? :P

Ok Vysen, I Can do teamviewer as soon as your ready :), ty

15 years, 43 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Seose > Sqliteman help. Sordie maybe help? :P