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Unethical SLN behavior
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Post #50174 Re: Unethical SLN behavior

Yuko, your people do mention FE everyday, countless times i have seen them talking about FE in some bad way. And yet, when i go on FE, they do not mention BU as much as your people do. They mention it here and there sometimes. But when i see BU, holy balls, they mention FE a lot!

14 years, 25 weeks ago
Post #50175 Re: Unethical SLN behavior
elevations posted: (30th Sep 2010 03:19 am)

Sausage posted: (30th Sep 2010 03:12 am)

Nero posted: (30th Sep 2010 03:06 am)


I agree with Elevations, just because FE is a famous "private server" doesn't mean that they're not aloud to have bots on that server. If a small time server came on and had about 15 bots online, im sure this wouldn't matter, in fact, nothing would arise on the forums about it. Soif you all havesuch a big problem about Elevations having a laugh with the people on his server, then why don't you enforce a rule. What Elevations is doing is against no rule, and shouldn't be worried about. I myself see nothing wrong with it. And also i have seena server on the SLN list that was an "UntitledServer" and the admin was Addison, and he had all these bots on it called "addy" "adds" "addys" etc.etc. And no problem came up about this, this "Untitled Server came 2nd on the SLN list. This is one of YOUR site administrators Sausage, sowhy are you pointing something wrong with Elevations, whenone of yours is doing or has done the same thing?

There are at least 5 relatively unknown servers on the blacklist for doing exactly that. One of them is Plasmastar's. If you spot someone abusing it then feel free to tell me next time.

Why don't you just make rules for the SLN or stop it being ordered by player count because its getting far out of hand for you to control anymore and personally your hardly even controlling it. And now your admitting its a competition and you don't want server conflicts or server wars there's justgonna be more DDOSing, more attacking ,more spam on our websites and other websites,  More harrasement. because YOU sausage wont fix this obvious problem.

SERVERS have been spamming links to FE for over a year and you don't give a shit well everyone else does give a shit! and its starting to show everyone's true colours and why this SLN list shouldn't be a competition like you are admitting it to be one

@Apollo Like BU hasn't made big remarks about FE have you seen what they talk about all day on global no yet you care what we name our SLN name? oh please

On global? On your server? It is your job to moderate your own server in any way you see fit. EO main is a lost cause, whatever happens there no one can help. But as far as ethics go, players and server operators alike should respect other private servers as everyone does their own thing. Personally, I am against cross server advertisement/server wars. I would think if you look back some posts you might find one I made about how I "respect" your dedication to your players and your community. Honestly I think I have logged on FE once, and BU once. There is not enough going on in either place to really impress me, but cool sprites here and there can definately keep the average player hooked. If you really don't like someone commenting on the way you are manipulating the information sent to eoserv.net, then don't do it in the first place. The wrong you are doing is not negated by the fact that others "can do it" or "so and so say stuff about my server". As Sausage said, it is "common sense" that you know these things (I would hope you do have "common sense").
14 years, 25 weeks ago
Post #50176 Re: Unethical SLN behavior
Yuko posted: (30th Sep 2010 03:27 am)


Now that Sausage says his gonna do something about it, you just gonna be freaked out asking to do rules, and throwing in sausage's face to fix the glitch, that he must havent found out yet to fix, why dont you fix it and stop complaining thats why you hire coders for your server, even thonoonewanna work with you because of you being so selfish.

And one more thing, im a lvl 3 Admin on BU, and we dont even mention FE anytime of the day, and there is always a little fuckhead spamming FE around on glb or trying to spam WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW, You talk like if you were innocent, when all the wrong shit is upon you.

@Nero Idk when you played BU, but i have been playing BU for like 4-5months now, and the times i have counted on seeing them say anything about FE is like 3-4 days.. in 4-5months, its like mention its name and we dont even give a crap about FE really.

Well why shouldn't i throw it in sausage faces I'm the one who has to put up with the bullshit i get everyday. due to the way sausage has setup the SLN and i even pay for ads not like that means anything we can all just steal artwork and other resources like a big happy family and eoserv wont care not one fucking bit.
14 years, 25 weeks ago
Post #50177 Re: Unethical SLN behavior
elevations posted: (30th Sep 2010 03:33 am)

Yuko posted: (30th Sep 2010 03:27 am)


Now that Sausage says his gonna do something about it, you just gonna be freaked out asking to do rules, and throwing in sausage's face to fix the glitch, that he must havent found out yet to fix, why dont you fix it and stop complaining thats why you hire coders for your server, even thonoonewannawork with you because of you being so selfish.

And one more thing, im a lvl 3 Admin on BU, and we dont even mention FE anytime of the day, and there is always a little fuckhead spamming FE around on glb or trying to spam WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW, You talk like if you were innocent, when all the wrong shit is upon you.

@Nero Idk when you played BU, but i have been playing BU for like 4-5months now, and the times i have counted on seeing them say anything about FE is like 3-4 days.. in 4-5months, its like mention its name and we dont even give a crap about FE really.

Well why shouldn't i throw it in sausage faces I'm the one who has to put up with the bullshit i get everyday. due to the way sausage has setup the SLN and i even pay for ads not like that means anything we can all just steal artwork and other resources like a big happy family and eoserv wont carenot one fucking bit.

So you can't deal with spamming and stealing and attempt to protest in the stupidest way against something quite irrelevant?

If you'd like to continue your discussion about spamming and stealing please make a new topic.

14 years, 25 weeks ago
Post #50178 Re: Unethical SLN behavior
elevations posted: (30th Sep 2010 03:33 am)

Yuko posted: (30th Sep 2010 03:27 am)


Now that Sausage says his gonna do something about it, you just gonna be freaked out asking to do rules, and throwing in sausage's face to fix the glitch, that he must havent found out yet to fix, why dont you fix it and stop complaining thats why you hire coders for your server, even thonoonewannawork with you because of you being so selfish.

And one more thing, im a lvl 3 Admin on BU, and we dont even mention FE anytime of the day, and there is always a little fuckhead spamming FE around on glb or trying to spam WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW, You talk like if you were innocent, when all the wrong shit is upon you.

@Nero Idk when you played BU, but i have been playing BU for like 4-5months now, and the times i have counted on seeing them say anything about FE is like 3-4 days.. in 4-5months, its like mention its name and we dont even give a crap about FE really.

Well why shouldn't i throw it in sausage faces I'm the one who has to put up with the bullshit i get everyday. due to the way sausage has setup the SLN and i even pay for ads not like that means anything we can all just steal artwork and other resources like a big happy family and eoserv wont carenot one fucking bit.

You shouldnt throw it on sausage's face because,if you have a private server thanks him or sordie for even making them, when they didnt even had to make them, they could have made emand kept for their self, and plus you put up with all the bullshit everyday because you want that bullshit everday, and last thing,we dont steal any artwork, everything we use is been asked by their owner if we can or not use their artwork, try and get your facts right before you even say anything of this type, and we arent talking about Artwork or any other shit,dont try and change the subject to get your self as a innocent who didnt know the consequences, were on about your cheating.
14 years, 25 weeks ago
Post #50179 Re: Unethical SLN behavior
Sausage posted: (30th Sep 2010 03:34 am)

elevations posted: (30th Sep 2010 03:33 am)

Yuko posted: (30th Sep 2010 03:27 am)


Now that Sausage says his gonna do something about it, you just gonna be freaked out asking to do rules, and throwing in sausage's face to fix the glitch, that he must havent found out yet to fix, why dont you fix it and stop complaining thats why you hire coders for your server, even thonoonewannawork with you because of you being so selfish.

And one more thing, im a lvl 3 Admin on BU, and we dont even mention FE anytime of the day, and there is always a little fuckhead spamming FE around on glb or trying to spam WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW, You talk like if you were innocent, when all the wrong shit is upon you.

@Nero Idk when you played BU, but i have been playing BU for like 4-5months now, and the times i have counted on seeing them say anything about FE is like 3-4 days.. in 4-5months, its like mention its name and we dont even give a crap about FE really.

Well why shouldn't i throw it in sausage faces I'm the one who has to put up with the bullshit i get everyday. due to the way sausage has setup the SLN and i even pay for ads not like that means anything we can all just steal artwork and other resources like a big happy family and eoserv wont carenot one fucking bit.

So you can't deal with spamming and stealing and attempt to protest in the stupidest way against something quite irrelevant?

If you'd like to continue your discussion about spamming and stealing please make a new topic.

How is it irrelevant? have you seen the bullshit that goes on sausage Chaosdog fucking everyone up and he tries to get into eoserv too and then there is server vs server shit and people flaming everywhere.

Its obvious hosting an eoserv is becoming more troublesome then it should be especially when people are getting hacked, threatened and abused.

Why should i need to make a new topic? its involved with all of this the SLN is causing all of this to happen.
14 years, 25 weeks ago
Post #50180 Re: Unethical SLN behavior

Hey Elevations don't flip a shit and start pointing fingers at everyone else. This is obviously a competition. As Sausage said the server with the most players attracts more people. When I look at the SLN list, and I see FE or Bones in first. I say, "<Insert top server here> must be good because it has that many players online." That many people wouldn't keep playing if it wasn't the best. I can't help but notice that you keep tearing down Bones in everything you say. You keep getting off subject and saying BU SUCKZ in different forms. I do not play either of your servers. This is a problem and you should probably stop boosting your player count. Its almost false advertising. Everything Apollo said has been fact. Calm yourself down and realize that you made a mistake and fix it. No big deal.

Love you too.
14 years, 25 weeks ago
Post #50181 Re: Unethical SLN behavior


Your changing the subject. x_x

14 years, 25 weeks ago
Post #50182 Re: Unethical SLN behavior
elevations posted: (30th Sep 2010 03:39 am)

Sausage posted: (30th Sep 2010 03:34 am)

elevations posted: (30th Sep 2010 03:33 am)

Yuko posted: (30th Sep 2010 03:27 am)


Now that Sausage says his gonna do something about it, you just gonna be freaked out asking to do rules, and throwing in sausage's face to fix the glitch, that he must havent found out yet to fix, why dont you fix it and stop complaining thats why you hire coders for your server, eventhonoonewannawork with you because of you being so selfish.

And one more thing, im a lvl 3 Admin on BU, and we dont even mention FE anytime of the day, and there is always a little fuckhead spamming FE around on glb or trying to spam WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW, You talk like if you were innocent, when all the wrong shit is upon you.

@Nero Idk when you played BU, but i have been playing BU for like 4-5months now, and the times i have counted on seeing them say anything about FE is like 3-4 days.. in 4-5months, its like mention its name and we dont even give a crap about FE really.

Well why shouldn't i throw it in sausage faces I'm the one who has to put up with the bullshit i get everyday. due to the way sausage has setup the SLN and i even pay for ads not like that means anything we can all just steal artwork and other resources like a big happy family and eoserv wontcarenot one fucking bit.

So you can't deal with spamming and stealing and attempt to protest in the stupidest way against something quite irrelevant?

If you'd like to continue your discussion about spamming and stealing please make a new topic.

How is it irrelevant? have you seen the bullshit that goes on sausage Chaosdog fucking everyone up and he tries to get into eoserv too and then there is server vs server shit and people flaming everywhere.

Its obvious hosting an eoserv is becoming more troublesome then it should be especially when people are getting hacked, threatened and abused.

Why should i need to make a new topic? its involved with all of this the SLN is causing all of this to happen.
Because the SLN is just a list of servers. Noone is telling idiots to interpret that as encouragement to go out and spam, abuse and complain. If you don't wish to have your server publically listed there is an option to disable it.
14 years, 25 weeks ago
Post #50183 Re: Unethical SLN behavior
newguy posted: (30th Sep 2010 03:40 am)

Hey Elevations don't flip a shit and start pointing fingers at everyone else. This is obviously a competition. As Sausage said the server with the most players attracts more people. When I look at the SLN list, and I see FE or Bones in first. I say, "<Insert top server here> mustbe good because it has that many players online." That many people wouldn't keep playing if it wasn't the best. I can't help but notice that you keep tearing down Bones in everything you say. You keep getting off subject and saying BU SUCKZ in different forms. I do not play either of your servers.This is a problem and you should probably stop boosting your player count. Its almost false advertising. Everything Apollo said has been fact. Calm yourself down and realize that you made a mistake and fix it. No big deal.

Who ever said i wasn't gonna remove the bots? all i want is something to be done about all of this drama created from the SLN thus the reason this topic is even existent today.
14 years, 25 weeks ago
Post #50184 Re: Unethical SLN behavior
Sausage posted: (30th Sep 2010 03:42 am)

elevations posted: (30th Sep 2010 03:39 am)

Sausage posted: (30th Sep 2010 03:34 am)

elevations posted: (30th Sep 2010 03:33 am)

Yuko posted: (30th Sep 2010 03:27 am)


Now that Sausage says his gonna do something about it, you just gonna be freaked out asking to do rules, and throwing in sausage's face to fix the glitch, that he must havent found out yet to fix, why dont you fix it and stop complaining thats why you hire coders for your server, eventhonoonewannawork with you because of you being so selfish.

And one more thing, im a lvl 3 Admin on BU, and we dont even mention FE anytime of the day, and there is always a little fuckhead spamming FE around on glb or trying to spam WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW, You talk like if you were innocent, when all the wrong shit is upon you.

@Nero Idk when you played BU, but i have been playing BU for like 4-5months now, and the times i have counted on seeing them say anything about FE is like 3-4 days.. in 4-5months, its like mention its name and we dont even give a crap about FE really.

Well why shouldn't i throw it in sausage faces I'm the one who has to put up with the bullshit i get everyday. due to the way sausage has setup the SLN and i even pay for ads not like that means anything we can all just steal artwork and other resources like a big happy family and eoserv wontcarenot one fucking bit.

So you can't deal with spamming and stealing and attempt to protest in the stupidest way against something quite irrelevant?

If you'd like to continue your discussion about spamming and stealing please make a new topic.

How is it irrelevant? have you seen the bullshit that goes on sausage Chaosdog fucking everyone up and he tries to get into eoserv too and then there is server vs server shit and people flaming everywhere.

Its obvious hosting an eoserv is becoming more troublesome then it should be especially when people are getting hacked, threatened and abused.

Why should i need to make a new topic? its involved with all of this the SLN is causing all of this to happen.
Because the SLN is just a list of servers. Noone is telling idiots to interpret that as encouragement to go out and spam, abuse and complain. If you don't wish to have your server publically listed there is an option to disable it.
This is surely a fact, and i agree with Newguy, everything apollo have said has been fact.

14 years, 25 weeks ago
Post #50185 Re: Unethical SLN behavior
elevations posted: (30th Sep 2010 03:43 am)

newguy posted: (30th Sep 2010 03:40 am)

Hey Elevations don't flip a shit and start pointing fingers at everyone else. This is obviously a competition. As Sausage said the server with the most players attracts more people. When I look at the SLN list, and I see FE or Bones in first. I say, "<Insert top server here>mustbe good because it has that many players online." That many people wouldn't keep playing if it wasn't the best. I can't help but notice that you keep tearing down Bones in everything you say. You keep getting off subject and saying BU SUCKZ in different forms. I do not play either of yourservers.This is a problem and you should probably stop boosting your player count. Its almost false advertising. Everything Apollo said has been fact. Calm yourself down and realize that you made a mistake and fix it. No big deal.

Who ever said i wasn't gonna remove the bots? all i want is something to be done about all of this drama created from the SLN thus the reason this topic is even existent today.
This topic exists because of your abuse of the SLN service. Was that admission of guilt? If so you have a short period of time to correct your server before it is blocked.
14 years, 25 weeks ago
Post #50186 Re: Unethical SLN behavior
elevations posted: (30th Sep 2010 03:43 am)

newguy posted: (30th Sep 2010 03:40 am)

Hey Elevations don't flip a shit and start pointing fingers at everyone else. This is obviously a competition. As Sausage said the server with the most players attracts more people. When I look at the SLN list, and I see FE or Bones in first. I say, "<Insert top server here>mustbe good because it has that many players online." That many people wouldn't keep playing if it wasn't the best. I can't help but notice that you keep tearing down Bones in everything you say. You keep getting off subject and saying BU SUCKZ in different forms. I do not play either of yourservers.This is a problem and you should probably stop boosting your player count. Its almost false advertising. Everything Apollo said has been fact. Calm yourself down and realize that you made a mistake and fix it. No big deal.

Who ever said i wasn't gonna remove the bots? all i want is something to be done about all of this drama created from the SLN thus the reason this topic is even existent today.

And why do you think this topic came about to begin with? It isn't a circle, it is a straight line beginning with your bot-spamming and ending as Sausage sees fit to handle it.
14 years, 25 weeks ago
Post #50187 Re: Unethical SLN behavior
Apollo posted: (30th Sep 2010 03:46 am)

elevations posted: (30th Sep 2010 03:43 am)

newguy posted: (30th Sep 2010 03:40 am)

Hey Elevations don't flip a shit and start pointing fingers at everyone else. This is obviously a competition. As Sausage said the server with the most players attracts more people. When I look at the SLN list, and I see FE or Bones in first. I say, "<Insert top serverhere>mustbegood because it has that many players online." That many people wouldn't keep playing if it wasn't the best. I can't help but notice that you keep tearing down Bones in everything you say. You keep getting off subject and saying BU SUCKZ in different forms. I do not play either ofyourservers.Thisis a problem and you should probably stop boosting your player count. Its almost false advertising. Everything Apollo said has been fact. Calm yourself down and realize that you made a mistake and fix it. No big deal.

Who ever said i wasn't gonna remove the bots? all i want is something to be done about all of this drama created from the SLN thus the reason this topic is even existent today.

And why do you think this topic came about to begin with? It isn't a circle, it is a straight line beginning with your bot-spamming and ending as Sausage sees fit to handle it.
Basicly 100 of the players online on BU is bots. =3

14 years, 25 weeks ago
Post #50188 Re: Unethical SLN behavior
Sausage posted: (30th Sep 2010 03:42 am)

elevations posted: (30th Sep 2010 03:39 am)

Sausage posted: (30th Sep 2010 03:34 am)

elevations posted: (30th Sep 2010 03:33 am)

Yuko posted: (30th Sep 2010 03:27 am)


Now that Sausage says his gonna do something about it, you just gonna be freaked out asking to do rules, and throwing in sausage's face to fix the glitch, that he must havent found out yet to fix, why dont you fix it and stop complaining thats why you hire coders for your server, eventhonoonewannawork with you because of you being so selfish.

And one more thing, im a lvl 3 Admin on BU, and we dont even mention FE anytime of the day, and there is always a little fuckhead spamming FE around on glb or trying to spam WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW, You talk like if you were innocent, when all the wrong shit is upon you.

@Nero Idk when you played BU, but i have been playing BU for like 4-5months now, and the times i have counted on seeing them say anything about FE is like 3-4 days.. in 4-5months, its like mention its name and we dont even give a crap about FE really.

Well why shouldn't i throw it in sausage faces I'm the one who has to put up with the bullshit i get everyday. due to the way sausage has setup the SLN and i even pay for ads not like that means anything we can all just steal artwork and other resources like a big happy family and eoserv wontcarenot one fucking bit.

So you can't deal with spamming and stealing and attempt to protest in the stupidest way against something quite irrelevant?

If you'd like to continue your discussion about spamming and stealing please make a new topic.

How is it irrelevant? have you seen the bullshit that goes on sausage Chaosdog fucking everyone up and he tries to get into eoserv too and then there is server vs server shit and people flaming everywhere.

Its obvious hosting an eoserv is becoming more troublesome then it should be especially when people are getting hacked, threatened and abused.

Why should i need to make a new topic? its involved with all of this the SLN is causing all of this to happen.
Because the SLN is just a list of servers. Noone is telling idiots to interpret that as encouragement to go out and spam, abuse and complain. If you don't wish to have your server publically listed there is an option to disable it.

Disabling my server from the SLN wont fix anything. There will still be drama between other servers. I don't understand why you can't at least take it into consideration or just make simple rules this is your site you should at least give better support to people who use your software.
14 years, 25 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Lounge > Unethical SLN behavior