EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug #96: Forum Inbox Deletion Button

Bug #96: Forum Inbox Deletion Button

Forum Inbox Deletion Button
ID #96
Submitter Dennven
Product eoserv.net
Severity Feature Request
Submitted 9th Sep 2012
Updated 9th Sep 2012
Dennven Submitter 12 years, 17 weeks ago

I noticed that someone by the name of 'Nurd' has requested an inbox deletion button for past PMs so it is easier to browse for important messages, but he has posted it in the forum 'Lounge' 30 weeks, 4 days ago and it seems to have been unanswered.

I think this would be an exemplary request to be added to the Inbox system and could help people if they wish to delete their read messages.


Sausage Developer 12 years, 17 weeks ago

The problem is they're not messages, they're two-way conversation threads. Deleting them would become complicated when the other person wants to add another message to that thread, meaning "delete" would really be "hide from my inbox until the other guy sends another message".

I don't see the point of having an extra step there to hide messages, it's not like they're getting in the way of you receiving new ones. There's quite a clear difference between unread and read messages.

Dennven Submitter 12 years, 17 weeks ago

True, but there have been instances where people have too many messages from people constantly sending them private inboxes, so is there a way to hide inactive messages from the inbox itself without deleting them completely? Might I suggest a small tab that says 'Hidden Messages'?

Also having a small notification thing that says 'Hidden Messages (1)' would most likely be a better solution than deleting the messages anyway.

Sausage Developer 12 years, 16 weeks ago

I think the actual feature you want is the ability to organize messages. I have the fattest inbox, but the front page covers half a year of messages, it's not like I have to dig deep to find the message from some guy I was talking to last week, and if I was talking to anyone actively, they'd be consistently at the top of my inbox.

Fortunately adding a hide message feature isn't particularly difficult, but it's very user-dependent on how it'll be used. I, personally, wouldn't take the redundant step to move my entire inbox from one page to another by clicking hide on every message, if I ever get around to doing this.

Updated Status to CONFIRMED

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