EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug #80: $killall command

Bug #80: $killall command

$killall command
ID #80
Submitter Sausage
Product EOSERV
Severity Feature Request
Submitted 7th Sep 2012
Updated 7th Sep 2012
Sausage Submitter
12 years, 17 weeks ago

Kill all NPCs on a map, or all NPCs with a specific ID.


Apollo 12 years, 17 weeks ago

Other useful commands of this type might include a $maxdamage command for 1-hit KO and an $ignore command to prevent NPC's from targeting admin. Also, hidden admin should not be targeted by aggressive NPC's. I can confirm both of these modes existed on EO.

Apollo 12 years, 17 weeks ago

Forgot a $nodamage command for turning all npc attacks to miss. Seems to fall into place with the other god mode commands.

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