Bug #433: WebCP Character->NPC stats.
ID | #433 |
Submitter | Sordie |
Product | EOSERV |
Severity | Feature Request |
Submitted | 28th Sep 2016 |
Updated | 2nd Nov 2016 |

When displaying NPC stats, hitrate, damage etc How about a little table that shows the actual hitrate and damage for each of the characters in the current logged in account.

I think this is a reference to charts added into Clone 's webcp and not the official build. Currently those battle statistic graphs or raw data tables would need to exist before supporting features could be added to them.

Yeah those aren't part of the official webcp at all, I just made them to show the effects of the new formulas easily. It would be cute to present info like that as well but I don't think it's something I want to invest time in to since it's not even that useful (compared to an optimal stat calculator, or being able to enter in stats).
Updated Status to CLOSED, WONTFIX
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