EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug #426: Arbitrary Palette Size Limit

Bug #426: Arbitrary Palette Size Limit

Arbitrary Palette Size Limit
ID #426
Submitter Cirras
Product EOMap
Severity Normal
Submitted 18th Aug 2016
Updated 13th Sep 2016
Cirras Submitter 8 years, 30 weeks ago

I just ran into this problem in an active development scenario, where objects stopped appearing in the EOMap Palette arbitrarily past a certain point.

This appears to be a limit on the size of the palette, and NOT a limit on EGF reading.

My crappy temp fix was replacing big objects earlier in the GFX with small ones so as to free up space in the usable palette preceding this arbitrary limit.

If EOmap 4.0 isn't getting released tomorrow, I'd be fine with the exact same mapper we have right now with just this single bug fixed, because it's poised to wreak some serious havoc in future development scenarios for myself and other server operators.

Hoping to hear a resolution for this one, hacky or not.


Sausage Developer 8 years, 27 weeks ago

It's a 20,000 pixel height limit. I'll try release a version with an increased limit soon.

Updated Severity to NORMAL
Updated Status to CONFIRMED

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