EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug #414: Quest Version change resets character quest data.

Bug #414: Quest Version change resets character quest data.

Quest Version change resets character quest data.
ID #414
Submitter Apollo
Product EOSERV
Severity Feature Request
Submitted 23rd Apr 2016
Updated 14th Jun 2016
Apollo Submitter 8 years, 42 weeks ago

I have confirmed this to be an actual feature of EO main. Version change in a quest file that does not match version data stored functions to reset the quest and remove quest data for that specific quest. While there would be ramifications to destroying a player's quest record such as "stuck map", these are things the administrator must consider before doing such a quest breaking action.


pr0grammer 8 years, 38 weeks ago

Could I use this bug to wipe out my AW quest? My AW key was accidentally deleted and I have no way of obtaining another without an admin spanwing me a new one on my character "Grommeh" or resetting my AW quest.

Any advice would be great

Cirras 8 years, 38 weeks ago

pr0grammer, what you're referring to is simply an in-game issue with having deleted a quest-rewarded item. That's not an EOSERV bug, though, or related to this serverside feature intended for server operators.

The idea of actually using the quest version var for something makes a lot of sense though, and especially if you want to retain a quest but change a lot of states around in updating it.

Sausage Developer 8 years, 35 weeks ago

This can't be safely just added and turned on by default since the version number isn't being tracked already, so it's impossible to tell which version of quest the existing data refers to. There would have to be a database upgrade process.

Other than that, the feature is one that's too easy to shoot yourself in the foot with. If you reset a quest's state entirely, that removes any option to include migration code to fix any inconsistencies caused by players mid-quest having their state reset. The only way to clean up after a reset of the quest state is to have code outside of the quest able to correct things (which at present can only be done in C++, or maybe by some quest 0 hacks).

It can be implemented behind a configuration option, though, for anyone who really wants the behavior for some reason, but I'd want to implement an upgrade feature so that all users will be converted to/from the version-tracked format properly, so this is bug will depend on bug #416 being implemented first.

Updated Status to CONFIRMED

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