Bug #410: Advertisements
ID | #410 |
Submitter | callum |
Product | eoserv.net |
Severity | Feature Request |
Submitted | 31st Jan 2016 |
Updated | 14th Jun 2016 |

Think it'd be possible to get a place to talk about new upcoming servers? I'd imagine it being a huge moral killer people spending time making a server and getting their topic deleted by apollo.
It'd be nice to have the Advertisements sub back, or at least allow server advertisements in EO SERVER BUILDING.. xd

I personally don't see anyone getting a new server off the ground without a place to showcase it. Given that this is and will pretty much always be the center of EO server development, I'd think it should be here. So I agree.

Now that Apollo's server list is up, an advertisement forum isn't necessary. I don't think the forum is the ideal place to promote things and have the moderators dealing with the drama, defamation, and bump-posting that'll likely end up happening in replies where everyone wants to push their own preferred server to the top, and drag every other server through the mud.
Updated Status to CLOSED, WONTFIX
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