EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug #407: Single map announce.

Bug #407: Single map announce.

Single map announce.
ID #407
Submitter Sordie
Product EOSERV
Severity Feature Request
Submitted 3rd Dec 2015
Updated 14th Dec 2015
Sordie Submitter 9 years, 10 weeks ago

For arena and small events, etc. it would be nice if admins had a "@"nnounce that only covered their current map. So they can tell people to get in line; ready steady go; announce winners and so on without disturbing the rest of the server.


Cirras 9 years, 10 weeks ago

That certainly does seem simple enough to add. In terms of ease of use it would probably be best to use a different prefix for it. "%"nnounce doesn't have a very nice ring to it, but hey.

Some might argue that it's beneficial for consistency not to have different levels of announcements in this fashion when they will appear the same to affected players. e-philosophy aside, could be useful.

Apollo 9 years, 10 weeks ago

This would require a toggle command or an activator command prefix. It would have really been cool if Vult's client actually used chat channel tabs to type specifically into those channels.

Sausage Developer 9 years, 9 weeks ago

Updated Status to CONFIRMED

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