EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug #398: Just created an account, says account isn't in database

Bug #398: Just created an account, says account isn't in database

Just created an account, says account isn't in database
ID #398
Submitter rukazakii
Product eoserv.net
Severity Normal
Submitted 25th Oct 2015
Updated 26th Oct 2015
rukazakii Submitter 9 years, 21 weeks ago

I created an account, tried to log in and it's saying my username or password isn't in the database or something. Not really much more to tell, I can literally do nothing right now.


Cirras 9 years, 21 weeks ago

Create a topic in the forum instead of adding this to the bug tracker unless you've got some comprehensive evidence indicating this is a bug with EOSERV and *not* a result of a failed setup, which it almost certainly is.

Sausage Developer 9 years, 21 weeks ago

Sounds like a support problem, not a concrete bug. EOSERV is definitely capable of creating accounts.

Updated Status to CLOSED, INVALID

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