EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug #393: Weight Glitch

Bug #393: Weight Glitch

Weight Glitch
ID #393
Submitter Cyanide
Product EOSERV
Severity Normal
Status OPEN, NEW
Submitted 7th Oct 2015
Updated 7th Oct 2015
Cyanide Submitter 9 years, 24 weeks ago

When attacking and picking up a mass amount of items one can bypass the weight limit and sometimes still attack.


Sausage Developer 9 years, 23 weeks ago

I don't understand. It's not possible to go over the weight limit by picking up items, so your attacks should never be blocked.

Is this with EnforceWeight set to 1? It looks like there's a bug where the weight is being capped to 250/250, which would mean you can always attack.

Apollo 9 years, 19 weeks ago

You should enforce overweight as 251/250 to produce this effect properly.

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