EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug #386: $duty command breaks spells

Bug #386: $duty command breaks spells

$duty command breaks spells
ID #386
Submitter Squirrel
Product EOSERV
Severity Normal
Submitted 30th Aug 2015
Updated 14th Oct 2015
Squirrel Submitter 9 years, 17 weeks ago

Admins using $d, $duty to switch between on and off duty get there spells mixed up.


Cirras 9 years, 17 weeks ago

Since the spells order is clientside registry related, does that just mean $duty is taking all of the spells off and then putting [some] back? That seems like it might jumble them since the server can't know what order you had them in.

Sausage Developer 9 years, 11 weeks ago

Can't be fixed without triggering a skillmaster popup dialog on every switch. It's the only character data the client doesn't seem to reset properly.

Updated Status to CLOSED, WONTFIX

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