EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug #385: Clone Forums

Bug #385: Clone Forums

Clone Forums
ID #385
Submitter callum
Product eoserv.net
Severity Feature Request
Status OPEN, NEW
Submitted 28th Aug 2015
Updated 28th Aug 2015
callum Submitter 9 years, 29 weeks ago

There's so many different topics about the clone and they're all named very similarly, Wouldn't it just be easier to have a little forum for posts about it? Maybe even a chance to add a trading board to.


jimmy 9 years, 29 weeks ago

I assume you mean a category/single forum? It would be pointless to make new forums just for EOClone. I guess he could throw a copy of this engine on game.eoserv.net/forum ; but that'd be work. A single forum for EOClone would be nice though.

perfect 9 years, 22 weeks ago

A category made for EOclone would be better; in the existing eoserv forums. An entire new forum seems kind of pointless.

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