EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug #32: Closed/Fixed bug tagging/comments

Bug #32: Closed/Fixed bug tagging/comments

Closed/Fixed bug tagging/comments
ID #32
Submitter Apollo
Product eoserv.net
Severity Feature Request
Submitted 6th Sep 2012
Updated 23rd May 2015
Apollo Submitter 12 years, 17 weeks ago

Tag the revision number in which the fix was applied to the official software.

If status is Closed/Fixed commenting should be closed to prevent useless commenting not relevant to the bug itself.


Sausage Developer 12 years, 17 weeks ago

Revisions that relevant changes were made to the bug (see bug #24) as well as target release versions set by the developer would be good.

Not sure if commenting should be closed on closed bugs, it's sometimes needed to ask for further info, report that it wasn't fixed correctly etc, but maybe that belongs in a separate report.

Updated Status to CONFIRMED

Sausage Developer 9 years, 32 weeks ago

All revisions mentioning a bug are listed on bug pages now.

Commenting on closed bugs will not be disabled.

Updated Status to CLOSED, FIXED

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Please don't post unless you have something relevant to the bug to say.
Do not comment to say "thanks" or "fix this please".

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