Bug #300: when the strip command is used.
ID | #300 |
Submitter | make |
Product | EOSERV |
Severity | Normal |
Status | OPEN, NEW |
Submitted | 1st Apr 2014 |
Updated | 1st Apr 2014 |

when the strip command is used. the striped item/items are not added back into inventory/inventory Count until an identical striped item is dropped on the ground by the said player. all/some return on relog if there is inventory room.
if i strip myself with a devil on and have 5 other devils in inventory. i only have a 5 count until i drop 5 devils on the ground then the client updates and i have the missing one in inventory.and no other updated striped items until the relog/ "if room"
AS a admin command. would you not think that all the items should be dropped to the ground then protected by the admin who striped the said player?

The strip command potentially always will fudge the players inventory. You are right as to how items are unequipped being a hacky method. Sending the unequip packet 15 times would potentially bug the client as well. There may be a better work around, but unless you troll players for shits on a regular basis I would just recommend having them relog. Even so, they may have a full inventory anyway making the items you unequipped invisible to them until they bank dump what they have and relog again. Use $strip at your own risk.

Having give this more thought, I think the best solution might be to add an option to the config for how $strip behaves. In its current form it sends items into the inventory, but there should be options made for sending to a player's bank or destroying the items completely. If you are interested in modifying the code, the bank is probably best as it won't hide the items removed as the player inventory does.
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