EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug #298: STR item requirement

Bug #298: STR item requirement

STR item requirement
ID #298
Submitter Hollows
Product EOSERV
Severity Normal
Status OPEN, NEW
Submitted 14th Mar 2014
Updated 14th Mar 2014
Hollows Submitter 11 years, 1 week ago

I've been testing the requirements for items, and I thought it was a bug in my own revision but when I tested eoserv revision 425, I noticed it had the same bug as well. So it's basicly like this: When I add requirements to an item e.g 5 WIS it should tell me: This item requires 5 WIS or something similar which works fine. And when I set a class/level requirement it works fine as well. But when I use a STR requirement it also stops me from equiping the item but won't show me a status message saying: You require 5 str. Then again it works for every item requirement except STR.


Apollo 11 years, 1 week ago

It is quite possible Vult-r only recognizes requirements for things other than STR. Tbh, it is quite rare for the official server to have players with little or no STR. Is there even a case where STR is a requirement on EO Main? If so it would be worth doing some investigating. Since Rena and Sausage used the same data read in both EditPub and EOSERV it is safe to say you could build your own server message into EOSERV as this message seems to be produced by the client.

Hollows Submitter 11 years, 2 days ago

Alright, so this isn't something you could solve unless I would manually add a StatusMessage? You might be right as I indeed don't remember any STR requirements on mainEO. But a StatusMessage seems like a good solution for now. ;)

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