Bug #296: Setmap/SetCoord bubble boolean
ID | #296 |
Submitter | Apollo |
Product | EOSERV |
Severity | Feature Request |
Status | OPEN, NEW |
Submitted | 21st Feb 2014 |
Updated | 21st Feb 2014 |

Currently both of these EO+ actions use the generic map warp with no animation. It only makes sense to add an optional scroll/bubble parameter to allow for the effect if a writer desires something like a teleport effect as a means of warping during a quest.
Can't this simply be done using the PlayEffect action since its through the quest system?

Play effect is tied to the map alone. Using the boolean for the Warp Bubbles directly would create the effect properly both on the starting and finishing map. It should also be noted the effect could be unseen entirely if called at the same instance as a warp.
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