Bug #287: Save what you typed when the site denies posting
ID | #287 |
Submitter | Hacker_Alex |
Product | eoserv.net |
Severity | Feature Request |
Status | OPEN, NEW |
Submitted | 11th Feb 2014 |
Updated | 11th Feb 2014 |

If the website denies your post, thread creation, wiki creation etc, you lose what you typed out. (Atleast I do with FF; when I hit back it's all gone. Refreshing on the final page with the message allows me to "resend" but I have no way of recovering what I typed easily.
(maybe with sum haxing lol)
Could eoserv.net present your message under the text that says your post was denied so we dont have to retype our entire body just because we made a mistake in a title such as a non-allowed character etc?

There's a FireFox plugin named Lazarus. I recommend it. Otherwise, I forget who said they always copied big posts before posting, in case of failures, but you should try that too.

Yeah, I just forgot to recently. If it's not a quick fix then I guess it shouldn't be added. But I doubt everyone knows that this could occur. Could save others in the future.
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