EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug #285: Sub Class Spells

Bug #285: Sub Class Spells

Sub Class Spells
ID #285
Submitter Hercules
Product EOSERV
Severity Normal
Status OPEN, NEW
Submitted 5th Feb 2014
Updated 5th Feb 2014
Hercules Submitter 11 years, 7 weeks ago

I know not many people use sub classes but here's what I found. Lets say there is a High Priest and a regular priest. The high priest can equip the same items as a regular priest as well as items for the high priest while the regular priest can't equip items for the high priest. This works fine however it doesn't for spells. It would make sense the same principle applies to spells but it doesn't.

So a High Priest can only learn High Priest spells, when I think it should also be able to learn regular priest spells as well. Spell requirements are exclusive to that particular class. I'm not sure if this can be changed but if it can it would be a nice fix.


Hacker_Alex 11 years, 6 weeks ago

hmm. maybe when u open the skill shop, the server can update your class to being the lowest class level that skills are still available. lets say you still didnt buy all the priest spells so your class will be virtually priest until you buy them all. Next time you open it, you'll be virtually high priest.

(Class can be re-updated to normal when player moves since you can't move when you have a shop open unless u hax)

This is assuming the client stops you from buying skills if you're the wrong class. Since it uses pub files for requirements right?

If I'm wrong and requirements are dynamically given by the server, the server can check if you're highpriest and if you are, all the priest spells requirement will be changed to high priest so you get that effect.

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