Bug #272: Broken Link on Eoserv.net <Sorry, Please Delete this>
ID | #272 |
Submitter | Hacker_Alex |
Product | eoserv.net |
Severity | Trivial |
Submitted | 11th Jan 2014 |
Updated | 31st Jan 2014 |

The Needed Files link doesn't work anymore.

Stop it. Stop this shit, right now. The WIKI is openly editable. Fix it yourself if you think you can.

Wow I had no clue. Well I added a new link. That kind of sucks.. anyone can go and wreck the wiki then or put malware up :/
Updated Title to Broken Link on Eoserv.net <Sorry, Please Delete this>
Updated Severity to TRIVIAL

Okay I found the recent changes page. nevermind. it's not that bad. nice system Sausage.

Updated Status to CLOSED, INVALID
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