Bug #261: Latest Posts
ID | #261 |
Submitter | DanScott |
Product | eoserv.net |
Severity | Feature Request |
Status | OPEN, NEW |
Submitted | 21st Jun 2013 |
Updated | 21st Jun 2013 |

Not so much fussed about any of the other things that were removed (Karma mainly) but I did frequently use the latest posts section on the forum, would it be possible to have something similar to this http://dev.exile-studios.com/index.php?action=recent in EOSERV? I mean you do have the little timestamp next to each forum of when the last post was but no real information about it :P.

Or at least another part to the "Latest Poster" bit at the end of a forum, so it could say Last Post on Topic: "Foo" linking to that post, Posted by "Bar"?

What is wrong with "Active topics since last visit"?... It functions the way you're suggesting...

Yeah true but you only get that if you log in
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