EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug #260: eoserv destroyed basically

Bug #260: eoserv destroyed basically

eoserv destroyed basically
ID #260
Submitter perfect
Product eoserv.net
Severity Critical
Submitted 17th Jun 2013
Updated 17th Jun 2013
perfect Submitter 11 years, 40 weeks ago

everything has been removed pratically

-No user list (helped for showing whos online, for contacting via PM etc)

-SLN (good for showing new servers that people may be interested in)

And other countless features that made eoserv good.

It has pretty much fallen apart.


Dennven 11 years, 40 weeks ago

This isn't the lounge.

Cirras 11 years, 40 weeks ago

I have to say that despite all the trouble the SLN caused, it was still the central source of players for all the servers. I think its removal, overall, can't be a good thing in the long run.

elevations 11 years, 40 weeks ago

Stfu guys i actually like the peace for once.

Sausage Developer 11 years, 40 weeks ago

EOSERV is a server emulator project, and is not dependent on a community of idiots to be considered a success.

Updated Status to CLOSED, INVALID

Addison 11 years, 40 weeks ago

Finally, EOSERV wont be remembered as a community of idiots but more a successful emulation of Endless Online.

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