EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug #259: Online List

Bug #259: Online List

Online List
ID #259
Submitter Dennven
Product eoserv.net
Severity Feature Request
Status OPEN, NEW
Submitted 15th Jun 2013
Updated 15th Jun 2013
Dennven Submitter 11 years, 40 weeks ago

Having a list with members who are online is common among forums, so-as to view users who are on at the current time; This forum had one, but I am unsure why it was necessary to remove it. Utilizing a list of users who are online can provide a better jump with contacting someone, and can better assure new members that the forum isn't completely empty.


DanScott 11 years, 39 weeks ago

I second this. Online lists are useful and makes people want to stay on the forums if they know people are online and will (possibly) be active in discussions.

Ryouken 11 years, 39 weeks ago

Yes, I sort of miss the online list as well. ;.; Although I think the "being active in discussions" thing is why sausage removed it, since that helped the lounge topics reach 5+ pages. Without lounge around now, I think it's safe to bring it back though.

Dennven Submitter 11 years, 38 weeks ago

I forsee no reinstatement of an Online list, as the "Stats" function was removed two weeks ago and provided users the ability to see who is online and when they last logged on. Maybe in the off-chance there is a re-thought about its usefulness, we will see it again.

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