Bug #256: Bug reports auto-fitting comments to the side
ID | #256 |
Submitter | Ryouken |
Product | eoserv.net |
Severity | Trivial |
Status | CLOSED, FIXED |
Submitted | 15th Jun 2013 |
Updated | 15th Jun 2013 |

Comments on bug reports are moving to the side of other comments that they can fit beside. I'm using google chrome if that helps determine anything.

This is quite trivial, but IE has the option for compatibility mode that fixes the view, I am not sure how other browsers handle compatiility.

Actually, i use google chrome and it seems fine on EOSERV. The only thing is that usually its slow on EOSERV, and internet browser is faster on it.

Fixed, hopefully without any side effects.
Updated Status to CLOSED, FIXED
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