Bug #255: Server section shows Rakuhana
ID | #255 |
Submitter | gusshead |
Product | eoserv.net |
Severity | Critical |
Submitted | 14th Jun 2013 |
Updated | 14th Jun 2013 |

The server section, which shows the ip's, is now the Rakuhana website. i report do NOT enter this website, it is a COMPLETE virus website and will hack your personal information on your computer.
honestly think your a joke :p!. Ive never gotten a virus from rakuhana.org (unless an infected file is downloaded(that u downloaded)). I don't get why there's a rakuhana link though.

There is no bug apparent here. SLN has been removed because no fucking body in this community is mature enough to make good use of it.

Updated Product to website
Updated Status to CLOSED, INVALID

Can you just bring SLN back? it comes of use to me alot.
Well, it's removed.

Instead of closing lounge why don't we get better moderators that actually do there job.
You shouldn't generalize apollo, closing SLN does more harm then good.
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