Bug #254: PLAYER:NPC Packet Behavior
ID | #254 |
Submitter | Plasmastar |
Product | EOSERV |
Severity | Normal |
Status | OPEN, NEW |
Submitted | 9th May 2013 |
Updated | 9th May 2013 |

builder.AddChar(1 + (target->hp == 0));
builder.AddThree(util::clamp<int>(double(target->hp) / double(target->maxhp) * 100.0, 0, 100));
Here, we have something that doesn't match what EOMain is sending. The last 3 bytes is actually received as 1 byte from EOMain.
I have evidenced that this packet also contains multiple NPC actions, from multiple NPCs, in a single packet. So I don't doubt that this one would have been confusing in the past. This is also the reason the message part of the packet requires a length byte. I hope this helps! :)

To add on to this. EOMain also seems to send NPC actions of dead NPCs. I think this is a bug, but it invokes the client to ask for refresh data of that NPC. This is why the client mysteriously and "randomly" sends those things. Too bad Vult doesn't read these bugs. :(
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