Bug #251: NPC Map Index
ID | #251 |
Submitter | Plasmastar |
Product | EOSERV |
Severity | Trivial |
Status | OPEN, NEW |
Submitted | 8th May 2013 |
Updated | 8th May 2013 |

So I noticed EOSERV starts with 0. EOMain starts with 1. Just pointing it out.

I guess eoserv can have 1 more npc on a map than main can. Sounds like a plus to me. :3 But still good to know.

Could have to do with AoE possibly? It seems any tile attacked by a spell tries to register a "You cannot attack this NPC" message. This might be to allow AoE coords to be registered to a non-real NPC, but this is just my speculation so who knows really other than Vult-r.

GenerateNPCIndex() seems to start at 1. Needs more investigation.
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