EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug #248: Forum links seem broken

Bug #248: Forum links seem broken

Forum links seem broken
ID #248
Submitter Apollo
Product eoserv.net
Severity Trivial
Submitted 26th Apr 2013
Updated 3rd May 2013
Apollo Submitter 11 years, 47 weeks ago

When clicking the topic link by user post it returns to page one of the topic rather than the post selected. May apply to compact view?


Apollo Submitter 11 years, 47 weeks ago

Disregard, it seems like some sort of anomaly that happened just for a bit. Could have been related to my obsolete mobile device :P

Updated Severity to TRIVIAL

Ryouken 11 years, 47 weeks ago

This happens to me a lot on my computer when the topic has a lot of pages.

Sausage Developer 11 years, 46 weeks ago

Duplicate of bug #219

Updated Status to CLOSED, DUPLICATE

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