EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug #234: EOMap Password Protection

Bug #234: EOMap Password Protection

EOMap Password Protection
ID #234
Submitter Apollo
Product EOMap
Severity Feature Request
Submitted 23rd Mar 2013
Updated 24th Mar 2013
Apollo Submitter 11 years, 44 weeks ago

Looking at an old version of Vult's map editor, there was a password field to protect map files by their creator. Assuming this data is present it should be utilized by server operators to protect maps from being viewed/edited by others. While older versions of map editor would disregard this extra data, it would still be possible to flag a special tile on the map that would prevent viewing of any tiles under "special" and thus crash EOMap. The best example of this would be official map #21. Not much of a work around, but it certainly would be a welcomed addition to the map editor.


Ryouken 11 years, 44 weeks ago

This would be useful to have but people could still get past the password, since the client has to know it some way or another (whether it was meant to be sent through packets or just within the file itself). Still, it could keep most people from trying to steal them, so I'd still like to see it added if the client supports it.

Sausage Developer 11 years, 44 weeks ago

Easily circumvented, false sense of security. Would take a day before a keylogger-ridden tool was released to un-DRM maps.

Updated Severity to REQUEST
Updated Status to CLOSED, WONTFIX

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