EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug #233: Expand maps in any direction

Bug #233: Expand maps in any direction

Expand maps in any direction
ID #233
Submitter Hacker_Alex
Product EOMap
Severity Feature Request
Submitted 22nd Mar 2013
Updated 24th Mar 2013
Hacker_Alex Submitter 11 years, 47 weeks ago

Would be great if you could edit maps by expanding them in all directions not just down/left. By having eomap change all the coordinates for the tiles and their settings using a formula if that's possible so that it will look like you're adding tiles north-west and north-east of the map but you're really just moving the map over a few x and y's.

Yes this can be avoided by mapping maps in the center of the map instead of starting from x1y1 but not a lot of people do that.


Apollo 11 years, 47 weeks ago

Well it quite simply isn't possible to expand your map in the direction you are speaking of. What I have mentioned before in the bug editor was the addition to more "paint-like" functions for the map editor such as cut(copy)/paste. It would be very easy to re-assign all tiles to new ones using this method. This should be moved to "Duplicate" as features were previously proposed that can do this.

Hacker_Alex Submitter 11 years, 47 weeks ago

Oh okay. Copy and paste would probably have similar code but it would probably be easier to add permanent functions such as expand by 1, and expand by 5 and expand by 20. Cause then the copy and paste code would have to be based off variables. Might end up having bugs once it's made.

Sausage Developer 11 years, 47 weeks ago

Updated Title to Expand maps in any direction
Updated Status to CONFIRMED

elevations 11 years, 45 weeks ago

To expand upon this idea some other great features would be:

Auto Tiling (Creates dirt paths and water paths with ease)

As apollo suggested maybe being able to hold shift and right click an object or tile to copy it.

Automatic Wall Tick Box (So when you place objects they immediately also add wall spec to them which would save some time)

Zoom (Hold CTRL + Srollmouse) to zoom out and make map larger/smaller

And a bug fix (AUTO LOAD GFX before application starts)

I've noticed sometimes you might have made an entire map using tiles then soon as you click the Object tab the map editor crashes IF all GFX was preloaded upon application start that would not happen.

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