EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug #225: Time Stamps

Bug #225: Time Stamps

Time Stamps
ID #225
Submitter Hacker_Alex
Product EOSERV
Severity Feature Request
Submitted 20th Mar 2013
Updated 22nd Mar 2013
Hacker_Alex Submitter 11 years, 10 weeks ago

Would be convenient that Timestamps are outputted in the console in relation to events that are outputted. This can help verify at what exact times events happened. For example when the server lost its connection to the outside world or if logging is being done then when it crashed. (most of the time you aren't watching the command window)


Apollo 11 years, 10 weeks ago

This would only be helpful if the output of an error contained a description of what function failed to complete before writing the log. Showing the time a segmentation fault occurs is utterly useless as it could be anything.

Ryouken 11 years, 10 weeks ago

It would also be useful for whenever someone shuts down the server or when an ip connects.

Apollo 11 years, 10 weeks ago

Not really usefull for IP connections. If you want to log every connection that happens go for it, it is pretty irrelevant to error logs though or determining crashes. It would be nice to see the time within the console window though.

Hacker_Alex Submitter 11 years, 9 weeks ago

Well. The moment I needed it most was when my router got attacked and my computer stopped sending outbounds due to that. So if there were time stamps I would see approx what time the attack started due to sln failure.

Hacker_Alex Submitter 11 years, 9 weeks ago

I got it. If you don't want it to add time for everything then atleast

on event negative http response [this->windows time lol]SLN : Negative Http response. & log

on event too many connections open per Ip or Hdid 5 times in a row once again put this time in and log it

and any other critical error that might happen/cant immiediatly crash the serv should have this feature. The serv should also check in every 5mins in the log with a time incase the server does crash without logging any errors.

another one could be if a character that was made by a banned hdid/ip is logged into.

There's just countless events that could occur and may be useful to be logged with the time they occurred at.

Sausage Developer 11 years, 9 weeks ago

Timestamps are good. The rest of the suggestions above are a little over-specific and probably better achieved by an external processing of the log files.

Updated Status to CONFIRMED

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