EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug #222: Can't attack between 10:24pm and 10:36pm

Bug #222: Can't attack between 10:24pm and 10:36pm

Can't attack between 10:24pm and 10:36pm
ID #222
Submitter jimmy
Product EOSERV
Severity Normal
Submitted 11th Mar 2013
Updated 22nd Mar 2013
jimmy Submitter 11 years, 42 weeks ago

Okay, If your clock becomes 10:24 PM, you can't attack until 10:36PM. It's a weird bug in the latest source (379?) i believe, i'm not sure why it happens either?


Apollo 11 years, 42 weeks ago

I do believe Sausage patched this bug prior to r379. Will test it.

jimmy Submitter 11 years, 42 weeks ago

Thank you apollo! I'm just curious why this problem happens in the first place? I know that there is the problem with not being able to attack at 12:00PM but i'm not sure why this one occurs :P

Ryouken 11 years, 42 weeks ago

It happens because the client makes one of the bytes within the packet too high and the server would ignore it because of that. I forget where in the packet it was though. It made it 254 or something like that.

Apollo 11 years, 42 weeks ago

I haven't been able to reproduce this yet, but if Ryoken is right you could add + 1 to the packet size to work around. It may have to do with the way Vult-r used timestamps.

Ryouken 11 years, 42 weeks ago

I think it was the fourth byte that did it. Which is part of the timestamp i'm assuming. But yea, this was fixed a long time ago.

Sausage Developer 11 years, 41 weeks ago

Updated Title to Can't attack between 10:24pm and 10:36pm
Updated Severity to NORMAL

Sausage Developer 11 years, 41 weeks ago

Duplicate of bug #125.

This was fixed in r349.

Updated Status to CLOSED, DUPLICATE

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