EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug #221: Hideglobal false not working

Bug #221: Hideglobal false not working

Hideglobal false not working
ID #221
Submitter JuliePK
Product EOSERV
Severity Normal
Submitted 9th Mar 2013
Updated 15th Mar 2013
JuliePK Submitter 11 years, 43 weeks ago

  1. HideGlobal (bool)

When I set it to false, people can still global talk on my server.


Sausage Developer 11 years, 42 weeks ago

HideGlobal isn't supposed to prevent people talking on global, it emulates the functionality that messages aren't sent to anyone who hasn't opened the tab, but it's currently not implemented.

Updated Status to CLOSED, INVALID

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