Bug #218: PK attack bug
ID | #218 |
Submitter | AustinB |
Product | EOSERV |
Severity | Critical |
Submitted | 30th Jan 2013 |
Updated | 24th Mar 2013 |
In the latest source, whenever a player attack another player in PK, the server crashes. I haven't looked into the source much to locate the problem but I consider this severe.
This hasn't been applied to the official source, but if you take a moment to check bugs you will notice this was reported and a fix posted. See #183
Updated Severity to NORMAL
This worked for me in the latest rev, find bool map:attackpk in map.cpp and scroll down a little till you find the if (character-> part that is indentical to the below code and change the top like so:
std::list<Character *> map_characters = this->characters;
UTIL_FOREACH(map_characters, character)
if (character->mapid == this->id && !character->nowhere && character->x == target_x && character->y == target_y)
[Credit goes to Ryouken, Apollo, Insomniac.]
Duplicate of bug #183
Updated Severity to CRITICAL
Updated Status to CLOSED, DUPLICATE
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