EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug #192: NoWall config value (the real one)

Bug #192: NoWall config value (the real one)

NoWall config value (the real one)
ID #192
Submitter Apollo
Product EOSERV
Severity Normal
Submitted 27th Nov 2012
Updated 22nd Mar 2013
Apollo Submitter 12 years, 5 weeks ago

Found the NoWall config value as well. There are only two modes. Value 0 Allows LG and G, and anything else allows only GM and HGM to NoWall. A "2" is there by default. Here is the proper for Welcome.cpp:




reply.AddShort(static_cast<int>(player->world->config["seehide"])); // ?

reply.AddChar(24); // ?

reply.AddChar(24); // ?

reply.AddShort(0); // Light guide admin command flood rate

reply.AddShort(0); // Guardian admin command flood rate

reply.AddShort(0); // GM/HGM admin command flood rate

reply.AddShort(static_cast<int>(player->world->config["nowall"])); // ?

reply.AddChar((player->character->usage == 0) ? 2 : 0); // Login warning message




elevations 12 years, 5 weeks ago

I am pretty sure its "->admin_config" not "->config"

Apollo Submitter 12 years, 5 weeks ago

Good eye :P

Ducci 12 years, 3 weeks ago

Does this make the ghosting-sound go away?

Apollo Submitter 12 years, 3 weeks ago

Actually no clue. Changing this value was triggering LG nowall, but now it is failing. Probably a false trigger. Disregard.

Sausage Developer 11 years, 41 weeks ago

Not a bug report, and the patch doesn't do a thing.

Updated Status to CLOSED, INVALID

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