EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug #177: util::trim rtrim doesn't work

Bug #177: util::trim rtrim doesn't work

util::trim rtrim doesn't work
ID #177
Submitter Addison
Product EOSERV
Severity Normal
Submitted 16th Nov 2012
Updated 17th Nov 2012
Addison Submitter 12 years, 7 weeks ago

util::trim doesn't trim the right side because of a mistake of Sausage's.

The last line:

return str.substr(si, ei);

is incorrect because ei is the end index, and the second parameter of substr is the length, not position.

So it should be:

return str.substr(si, ei-si);

I have tested this and it works.

Quit being a dickhead and fix the bug Sausage :P I told you on MSN and you didn't post it, so now it's logged.


Sausage Developer 12 years, 7 weeks ago

Fixed in r373. It works for trimming the right side correctly if the left side doesn't have whitespace. ;P

Updated Status to CLOSED, FIXED

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