EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug #170: Better recent actions

Bug #170: Better recent actions

Better recent actions
ID #170
Submitter Klutz
Product eoserv.net
Severity Feature Request
Status OPEN, NEW
Submitted 8th Nov 2012
Updated 8th Nov 2012
Klutz Submitter 12 years, 8 weeks ago

Remove common posts, summarize topic titles with latest post, date and post count.

This helps avoid a huge page of spam on the FIRST page of the forum, which is repulsive.


Apollo 12 years, 8 weeks ago

I can totally agree with you on this, but maybe "recent actions" is not really appropriate for main page view. I would suggest "hot" threads that are ordered near the top of the list based on the activity for the past 24 hours and places itself as normal by date after 1 week. Recent actions works for what it is supposed to be, but I do feel it needs to be replaced with something better and more useful to forum users.

Klutz Submitter 12 years, 8 weeks ago

Something less spammy would be fine. It's the first thing you see on the forum 'for crying out loud.

Plasmastar 12 years, 8 weeks ago

No thanks, I like it how it is. But the "Hot Threads" idea would be swell. Wouldn't mind seeing that somewhere on the page along side actions.

Klutz Submitter 12 years, 7 weeks ago

fix it :(

and sort out back end HTML so posting works on mobile browsers...

Apollo 12 years, 7 weeks ago

Posting should work from mobile browswers as I am posting from a Blackberry now and most of the time. The problem with posting from mobile devices could depend on the way your service provider is breaking your session somehow. It could also be some obscure setting in your mobile device as well. Have you tried posting from a different phone using the same network provider?

Sausage Developer 12 years, 7 weeks ago

Please stop posting shit on bug tracker comments, the forum lounge is that way ---->

Sincerely, Sausage.

(There's already a bug open about mobile browsers, it's due to the lack of support for contentEditable.)

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