EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug #128: Server Registration/Busy

Bug #128: Server Registration/Busy

Server Registration/Busy
ID #128
Submitter Apollo
Product EOSERV
Severity Feature Request
Submitted 18th Sep 2012
Updated 19th Sep 2012
Apollo Submitter 12 years, 15 weeks ago

Enable by config (or in some cases command) proper server messages and the features corresponding to them:

Registration Disabled

Server Busy (login disabled by admin for testing or emergency?)

Server is shutting down(displayed if login is attempted during a timed shutdown sequence)


Sausage Developer 12 years, 15 weeks ago

Server busy would probably be useful when database disconnections don't completely block EOSERV, and it's completely impossible to process a login request within a few seconds.

Shutdown depends on bug #43.

Updated Status to CONFIRMED

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