EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug #127: passive skills

Bug #127: passive skills

passive skills
ID #127
Submitter Klutz
Product EOSERV
Severity Feature Request
Submitted 17th Sep 2012
Updated 17th Sep 2012
Klutz Submitter 12 years, 15 weeks ago

Class related passive skills, for the passive skills page if possible. Configurable via notepad.

Bug 127 :S


Apollo 12 years, 15 weeks ago

Passive skills are vague and useless for the current EO client. There are no packets that allow the server to communicate to the client how to display or handle such an element. This is probably something that should be per operator custom coding.

Klutz Submitter 12 years, 15 weeks ago

The server software can still use this, perhaps when an official EOServ client is made.

Sausage Developer 12 years, 15 weeks ago

Adding major features outside of what EO supports isn't a current goal for EOSERV, but being flexible enough to allow people to implement something like this with minimal effort is a long term goal.

Updated Status to CLOSED, WONTFIX

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